Sports Premium
Physical Education and Sport
At Colehill First School, we believe that physical education is a vital part of every child’s First School experiences, and physical well-being for every learner is given high priority within our School Aims.
We want to see every child develop and grow in physical confidence and dexterity, and participate in a range of physical educational opportunities, including competitive sport. Above all else, we aim for our children to develop an enjoyment of physical activity and an understanding of how to live a healthy lifestyle.
We are fortunate to have, in our school grounds, an excellent environment for outdoor physical education, and we offer a range of curricular and extra-curricular opportunities to inspire all of our children to participate fully.
Curricular P.E.
Children spend at least 2 hours every week engaging in curricular P.E. This includes gymnastics, dance, games and athletics. From year 1 upwards there is regular, organised inter-school competitive sport enabling our children to participate with their counterparts from other local schools in a range of competitions and festivals.
Extra-Curricular Opportunities
As part of our extra-curricular programme, we offer a range of opportunities including multi-sports club, gymnastics club, dance club, tennis club, dodgeball club, football club, gym club and karate club. We are always open to suggestions and ideas for new clubs: children at the school can make suggestions via their School Council Representatives. It is our aim that there is a club for everyone!
School Sport Premium
We welcome the government’s commitment to sport in primary schools through the School Sport Premium. This funding is given to schools to promote sport as part of the Olympics ‘inspire a generation’ message.
We have used the documents published by the Ofsted and the DfE (shown below) to support us in assessing and auditing our provision of PE and identifying how to spend our Premium.
Beyond 2012 Outstanding Physical Education For All
Ofsted inspection guidance on PE and School Sport Premium
PE and Sport Premium An Investigation in Primary schools
Sports Premium Spending - Evaluation of Impact
Click below to see a full review of the impact of School Sports Funding this year and in previous years.
2024-2025 budget is £17,210 for 121 children.